How To Ripen Persimmons Fast
Do you have persimmons in your kitchen that are rock solid? This post will show you how to ripen persimmons fast using a few simple steps so they’ll be perfect for eating fresh or using in recipes.

Persimmons are a type of fruit that is native to East Asia. They’re often eaten fresh, but can also be used in recipes. persimmons are available in two main varieties: hachiya and fuyu.
Hachiya persimmons are the most common type of persimmon. They’re soft and ripe when they are a deep orange color. Fuyu persimmons are firmer and have a milder taste.
Persimmons have a sweet, fruity taste that is often compared to a cross between a peach and an apricot. They add sweetness and moisture to foods and can be used in both sweet and savory dishes or enjoyed as is.
The best way to enjoy a persimmon is by making sure it is fully ripe. A rock-hard persimmon will be bland in flavor and texture.
Learn how to ripen a persimmon fast! You’ll need to pair it with a banana or apple in a paper bag. The natural gas from the apple and banana is called ethylene and it will help the persimmon to ripen.
🔢 How To Ripen Persimmons Fast: 3 Easy Steps
- Place persimmons in a paper bag.
- Add an apple or banana (or both) to the bag. Close it so that no air or light is exposed to the fruit.
- Leave it on the counter for 4-5 days. The persimmons should be 80-90% ripe and ready for use.
No, you should only use a paper bag. Plastic will trap the ethylene gas and could cause the persimmons to spoil prematurely.
Yes, this will work with most types of fruit. The apple and banana are just used as a source of ethylene gas. Other fruits that produce ethylene gas include pears, plums, and tomatoes.
No, the persimmons will spoil if you store them after they are ripe. This method is only for ripening persimmons that are rock solid.
No, you do not need to refrigerate persimmons after they are ripe. They can be stored at room temperature or in the fridge.
If your persimmons turn brown, they are still edible. The browning is just an indication that the ethylene gas has been activated and the persimmons are ripening. Brown persimmons will have a softer texture and a stronger flavor than unripened persimmons.
If your persimmons get too ripe, you can still eat them. However, they will be softer and have a stronger flavor than unripened persimmons. Ripe persimmons are also great for baking or adding to smoothies. You can also freeze the flesh for later use.

How To Ripen Persimmons Fast
- 1 paper bag
- 1 apple
- 1 banana
- 4 persimmon
- Place persimmons in a paper bag.
- Add an apple or banana (or both) to the bag. Close it so that no air or light is exposed to the fruit.
- Leave it on the counter for 4-5 days. The persimmons should be 80-90% ripe and ready for use.