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Blog Income Report September 2018

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Blog Income Report September 2018: Find out how I made $171.55 through my blog with various strategies. 

Blog Income Report September 2018 : Find out how I made $171.55 through my blog with various strategies. #foodblog #blogging #foodblogger

Welcome to my 7th blog income report! No matter how my motivation wax and wanes for this blog, time keeps on chugging along. Sometimes I look back and wish I had done so much more and other times I am grateful I just did what I could with it.

Previous Blog Income Reports

Check out: Blog Income Report | February & March 2018 | $18.34
Check out: Blog Income Report | April 2018 | $203.17
Check out: Blog Income Report | May 2018 | $50.93
Check out: Blog Income Report | June 2018 | $213.50
Check out: Blog Income Report | July 2018 | $213.50
Check out: Blog Income Report | August 2018 | $174.52

Blog Income Report September 2018

Here are some noteworthy things that happened in September:

  • I realized its time for consistency:  September was really strange in life with the whole hurricane taking a week out of our lives plus a wedding we had back to back. I started thinking a lot about the future and I really do want to make this blog a stream of income for me even if it isn’t paying ALL the bills. This means that even when my motivation is down, it would still be wise for me to develop and post at least 1-2 new recipes per week and promote them on social media. The strange thing is that I have been actually working REALLY hard on recipes but have been saving them all for my Whole30 Recipes takeover. It looks like I’m barely doing anything around here!
  • Tis The Season: Motivation just seems higher in general because tis the season for holidays and making holiday recipes. I’m excited to share all kinds of things from healthy dinners to apple cider margaritas coming soon.
  • I started a podcast:  I’ve been wanting to do this FOREVER and I decided that since I am an obliger, I needed external accountability in the form of a co-host/partner. We started Food Conversations from scratch and we’re so excited for everyone to hear it. This has taken up a huge amount of time when it comes to all the challenges of learning something new but the content is so deep and vulnerable that it is SO worth it to me whether we make money or not. Hopefully down the road we can, but for now it is a huge passion project!
  • I am playing too small: When companies reach out to me, I realize that I just take the bare minimum never asking for more or presenting with creative ideas to work together. I also DON’T reach out to other companies that may work with me and my expertise. This is something that a growth spurt in confidence should help me fix so I am really thinking of ways to play bigger when it comes to making and creating opportunities.

Blog Income Report September 2018 | Metrics

  • Blog posts that were created in September: 6
  • August Adsense Income: $15.86
  • August Amazon Affiliate Income: $9.28
  • Gourmet Ads: $12.94
  • Recipe Development Projects Paid Out: $130
  • Hours spent working on the blog: 3-6 Hours Each Week
  • Blog Income Report September 2018 Total: $171.55

Octobers income report may look a little different than the rest. For one, traffic is definitely picking up because of Fall and people searching for more recipes. It’s also the month where I will be showcasing my recipes for an Instagram account with 1.1 million followers so the potential for traffic and therefore ad revenue is much greater. I’m hoping I can stick with whatever momentum I get from that week and turn it into more profitable blogging as well as a chance to finally get into a better ad network. Fingers crossed!

Check out: How I gained 5k IG followers in 18 months

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