Blog Income Report April 2018

Blog Income Report April 2018 : Find out how I made $203.17 through my blog with various strategies.
Welcome to my second blogging income report! I’d say that the month just flew by but it definitely didn’t feel like it… at least in the world of blogging. This month I really threw myself into what blogging is really like and how much I still have to learn since I started my first blog back in 2010. Things have changed for worse because it’s more complicated but also for better because there is much more room and opportunity for EVERYONE to make money and not just a select handful of bloggers.
Past Blog Income Reports
Check out: Food Blog Side Hustle | Square One Intro
Check out: Blog Income Report | February & March 2018
Blog Income Report April 2018
Here are some noteworthy things that happened in April:
- I realized that Instagram isn’t everything: this is a lesson I really needed to learn as I used to think of IG as the be all end all of engagement. Spoiler Alert: it’s not. In fact, it could just be a smaller part of the picture especially when your purpose is to create and share your content with the world. Instagram is just one medium to do it and only one way to measure metrics. For me at this point, instagram does not equal dollars and opportunites yet and although I shared my tips on how I grew it organically to 5000 followers, I need to chill out a bit and let things grow without forcing them to and let my content speak for itself. EDIT: Since writing this, my IG was hacked which caused a MAJOR but needed breakdown for me to TRULY believe the above points.
- I picked up a paid recipe project: This is the thing that I am most excited about in my blog journey. I love working with companies and brands to develop recipes with their products and I am lucky enough to be doing just that for a wonderful company. I wish I could say more, but I will in due time! My goal is to pick up more collaborations and hopefully get some sponsored posts in the mix though I have no idea where to start!
- I almost doubled my published posts: I am working HARD getting content ready and also experimenting with seasonal recipes and how to promote them. I also have an amazing opportunity in October to be on the Whole30 recipes feed for an entire week, so I want to make sure I have a bank of things to choose from that I can showcase. Of the 14 posts I published, I have not “promoted” them all yet as I am seeing what attention they get from other outlets before bringing them to IG etc.
- I applied for another AD Network: I am trying out Gourmet Ads on my site to see what comes of it. This is a smaller ad network that I was able to get into with the small amount of traffic I have. I am shooting for the bigger networks by the end of 2018!
Blog posts that went live in April: 14
February Adsense Income: $23.25
March Amazon Affiliate Income: $2.14
Gourmet Ads: $2.78
Recipe Development Project: $175
Hours spent working on the blog: 25-28 Each Week
Total Feb & March Blog Income: $203.17
Overall, I’m delighted with the growth so far. It’s been over a month since I added this to my hustle and even though I’ve hit some mini walls, I feel in my bones that I will have the strength to keep going and not give up. Slowly, I am getting better at SEO, photography, and organizing things. I might even do a GA4 course to understand internet traffic better. It’s easy enough, there’s resources on the internet that’ll give me ga4 certification answers and other study material. It should help me get certified without a lot of trouble.
These are a few things I think are needed to run a successful blog. Just having relevant content and pictures is sometimes not enough. They might not help you get your blog out there. In such cases, SEO strategies could be used to get your page to appear at the top of the search result page. This could boost your visibility, not to mention it could even attract prospective readers to your blog page. Employing these strategies need a lot of analysis and foresight. And if these aren’t your forte, then you always have the option of employing the services of a professional SEO agency, who are better adept at utilizing digital marketing tools and tactics.
That said, SEO strategies, photography, and organizing something I constantly need to work on! I also want to point out that my traffic nearly doubled from March to April which is fantastic news because I did get a lot of traffic from my Whole30 announcement so I was expecting to see a decline in April but there wasn’t one due to me putting out content! I feel good about this!
Until next month!