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Blog Income Report August 2018

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Blog Income Report August 2018: Find out how I made $174.52 through my blog with various strategies. 

Blog Income Report August 2018 : Find out how I made $174.52 through my blog with various strategies. 

Welcome to my 6th blog income report! It honestly only feels like 3 months ago that I started doing these reports so seeing that half a year has gone by is really crazy to me. I guess it’s because there have been many ups and downs in that 6 months. My motivation started off so strong and then waned along with life things happening. Truthfully, it is really hard to stay consistent when you have a full-time business to run on top of this madness.

Past Blog Income Reports

Blog Income Report | February & March 2018 | $18.34
Blog Income Report | April 2018 | $203.17
Blog Income Report | May 2018 | $50.93
Blog Income Report | June 2018 | $213.50
Blog Income Report | July 2018 | $213.50

Blog Income Report August 2018

Here are some noteworthy things that happened in August:

  • I realized I don’t think I want to end up being a full time blogger:  I keep saying how I have recently stopped dieting. It’s crazy because I didn’t realize how much my world was wrapped up in food because of arduous pursuit of becoming smaller.  Once my time opened up and I could to ANYTHING I wanted, the passion for food blogging definitely waned  for me. I’m not sure if it’s because I need the constant pressure to do my best work, or if it’s because I am ok with it being a slower process. In reality, being a full time food blogger doesn’t seem all that glamorous to me anymore. It is a LOT of work, mostly work that is isolating and full of deadlines and constantly hoping your numbers will bring about enough income to sustain you. I think I will be totally happy with having this blog as a part-time income source so I can work on other things. This doesn’t mean I will stop, it just means maybe I should be dividing my energy into other things as well and count on my other jobs for income.
  • Ad Income is very random: Even though July and August were slow because of the summer, I noticed that some days my income on Adsense would jump up randomly for the day. My guess is it’s because of a certain ad that was in place. It made me realize that even though things are slow to grow, that anything could happen.
  • I took a much needed social media break:  Instagram was a HUGE part of my life along with dieting. I am very much in a healing phase right now, so it was a wise decision for me to take an IG hiatus. Honestly, I still don’t think I am ready to “go back” the way I was. Either way, this did seem to hinder my blog traffic though not really by much. Most of my traffic comes from google and pinterest at this point.
  • I am super inconsistent with posting: The funny thing is, is that I have been making blog posts behind the scenes still! They are all mostly drafts that are scheduled to make a presence at a later date or for the Whole30 takeover opportunity I have in October. I’m trying to get my shit together!!
  • Recipe Development Opportunities:  I have not pursued any more development opportunites, though I have been reached out to by a handful of companies on their own merit. When I tell them I will work with them, they ignore or flake out…. but still watch my stories. I see you!

Check out: How I gained 5k IG followers in 18 months

Blog Income Report August 2018 | Metrics

Blog posts that were created in August: 7

August Adsense Income: $19.56

August Amazon Affiliate Income: $8.31

Gourmet Ads: $13.38

Recipe Development Projects Paid Out: $130

Hours spent working on the blog: 3-4 Hours Each Week

Blog Income Report August 2018 Total: $174.52

As I mentioned, the theme of August was healing for me. I am still trying to figure out my place in this health food world and until I do, things may be a bit scattered across the board and that’s ok.

Until next month! 

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