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Blog Income Report January 2019

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Blog Income Report January 2019 : Find out how I made $1334.94 through my blog with various strategies. 

Matcha Tea with blog income report numbers

Welcome to my 11th blog income report! This obviously been a record breaking month for me and I owe all of that to the traffic that comes with being a “health food blogger” in the month of January.  I really thought November and December were going to be high and didn’t really believe the January hype, but it is REAL and now that I know this, I will be fully prepared for an even BETTER January in 2020 . . . hopefully. 

What’s weird is that right now I am writing this from a strange mindset. As of right now my traffic is TANKING HARD.  I am definitely not on track to make anywhere near this income for February and the best way to combat it is with more recipes and I literally have done NOTHING in January for February.  Read below to see why. 

The good thing is, all of the compounded work from OCT-JAN has made me a January income that is enough to pay my mortgage! My short term goal is to get this blog to consistently be paying the mortgage and even though I probably won’t hit this amount of money for a while, I know it is possible and that is so motivating!

Past Blog Income Reports

Blog Income Report January 2019

Here are some noteworthy things that happened in January:

  • Uhhh . . . I kind of really hate food right now: Yeah, so this thing happened where I found out I was pregnant on Christmas day and about 6 weeks in I started to HATE FOOD.  It’s not so much that I’ve been hit with nausea, but I have had a low level aversion to pretty much everything.  It honestly has me into a little depressed state.  Food is literally everything to me. I have built my career and life around it and to be so uninspired by it has been really sad.  
  • I barely made any new recipes in JAN: Because I have been saving all of my energy for taking care of my clients, I have had no energy or desire to put up new recipes let alone cook food at home. I made a commitment to post almost every single day in January so it really looked like I had my shit together, but honestly it was mostly older stuff I have been hanging on to for later promotion.  I don’t really have that back up now so I kind of screwed myself.  But I mean, its for a good cause . . . creating human life and such. 
  • I got a traffic bump from Whole30 Facebook:  The official Whole30 facebook page posted my Chicken Pot Pie recipe during the middle of January Whole30 and it got me 10k page views in just that day!  I wish that kind of luck could happen every day but again, just knowing it’s possible keeps that fire under me. 
  • I’m being coached: I hired one of the most successful people in this space to look over everything and give me a swift kick in the pants for what I need to do to reach my goals.  It’s been strange only because I haven’t really posted recipes so there is nothing to critique besides basic structure etc. but look forward to more content, videos AND how I schedule out my recipes for a maternity leave during the holidays *gasp*
  • I’m shooting in Manual AND using Lightroom: I have to admit, I have been taking so many short cuts with photography.  Mostly I have been shooting in auto and JPEG, then uploading to my phone and editing on the free version of light room.  This did get me pretty far in improvement BUT having a coach was just what I needed to really value doing it right.  Honestly, if I don’t have stunning pictures my traffic won’t gain momentum as fast.  Also, having beautiful photos allows the opportunity for more sponsored work and to make a side business out of food photography.  I have a LONG way to go but I actually started and have seen many peaks and valleys getting to know how to do this right.  But, it’s addicting and I am determined. 

A note on the metrics below: All of this is income that was MADE in January.  I don’t actually see any payment for this money for about 2-3 months depending on how the schedule works. 

Blog Income Report January 2019 | Metrics

Food/Recipe posts that were created in January: 3 (SERIOUSLY!?…)

Amazon Affiliate Income: $79.98

 Mediavine Income: $704.97

Recipe Development Projects Paid Out: $500

Virtual Assistant Work: $50

Hours spent working on the blog: Ummm… like 5?

Blog Income Report January 2019 Total: $1334.95

I know I am going through a strange time with being in my first trimester and all of these food aversions. I was SO determined to make sure I met my goal of having this blog pay my mortgage consistently.  Although that is STILL my goal.  I must realize that I have a full time business that comes first and not as much TIME as a full time blogger to make this happen when I want it to. I also need to prioritize rest and enjoy this pregnancy as it will likely be my only one. 

My next blog income report will be a FULL YEAR of blogging seriously.  I honestly feel like I am just “getting it” now.  It took that long and I still have so much to change and improve on. 

I am so glad I continued to write these because they allow me a physical representation on how far I came when we are so hard wired on only seeing how far we have to go. 

Even though it’s likely I will come back next with a much lower income number I am still so proud of myself and can’t thank everyone enough who has visited my corner of the internet to make it possible.

God I’m sappy . . . damn hormones . . . 

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  1. Thank you for your honesty and information! I have a similar blog called Homeunfiltered where we show our family approach to healthy eating that is approachable to ALL families. Most of my Income comes From Google Adsense, it I’ve never used mediavine, would you recommend that? If so, any tips? Food blogging is so much fun but even with all your resources and followers I feel so far away from that!

    1. Hey there! I was using adsense before switching to mediavine. I HIGHLY recommend them if you are at the 25k monthly sessions on their application threshold!

      As far as tips, it’s really consistency and the willingness to always get better! My first income report a year ago was $18 and I have worked really hard learning new things and putting in lots of hours to get where I am now!

  2. Congratulations on your pregnancy! It must be hard to be a food blogger while having food-sensitivities. I know I did when I was pregnant. It should be passing soon, if you found out around Christmas.

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