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Blog Income Report September 2019

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Blog Income Report September 2019 : Find out how I made $1626.35 through my blog with various strategies. 

At the time of writing this, I am nearly 4 weeks postpartum and my life just EXPLODED.  I knew having a newborn and adjusting to being a mom would be hard but there are so many other things I never expected.  More on that another time . . . 

I will say that about 2 weeks after, I found myself missing work which is a testament to my personality and also says a lot about how I will get things done going forward. 

Past Blog Income Reports

Blog Income Report September 2019

Here are some noteworthy things that happened in September:

  • I HAD A BABY: Baby James Michael Skinner was born on September 17th after 36 hours of labor turned into a C-Section.  Life has been a whirlwind trying to learn this little guy and trying to adjust to life as parents. Recovery has been difficult for me and my emotions are all over the place still, but I recognize that this is the absolute hardest part of parenthood and we’re both trying to get through it but also enjoy it at the same time. 
  • I thought about work early: Before I gave birth, I told myself that I would allow myself ample time to not think about work because I had no idea what kind of person I was going to be.  Turns out, I am exactly who I thought I was. Taking care of a newborn is exhausting mentally and physically. My brain is 100% on James and it’s hard to focus on much else.  Thinking about work in those tiny blips of time I have has actually allowed me to take a break from the mental part of having a child but actually getting to work has been a challenge.  I don’t have a set time or set schedule to do ANYTHING right now and that’s been hard to handle mentally and emotionally for me since I was in FULL control of everything I did just one month prior. Luckily I did schedule out October and November, but I am hoping that I will be on more of  a schedule so I can get some things in line for December. 
  • In the meantime, I’m comparing: Being on social media even MORE is something I did anticipate since a lot of the time I only have one hand to do anything and because it’s my only connection to the outside world.  The problem with this is that I get to see what everyone else is up to and get to see them working and doing the things I can’t do and succeeding etc. No matter how many times I tell myself I need to “stay in my own lane” and “what’s meant for me won’t pass me”, it’s not that easy to believe!  To be honest, I almost decided not to even post blog income reports anymore because I feel embarrassed about where I am at but I feel like this journey is a valuable piece of my life and seeing the ups and downs will let me and others see how far I’ve come and also how the journey is very much NOT linear. 
  • SEO Rankings Dropping:  Now for some practical stuff,  the more content you have, the better chance you have of it ranking.  I’ve had just a few heavy hitter posts carry me through and now with the new google update, the rankings are dropping pretty fast!  This makes me nervous because I was hoping that Q4 would be a big growth spurt for me, but it may only be keeping me afloat at the same level.  Again, more content will help this, but obviously it’s not something I can do right now. 
  • Partnerships: I find it so crazy how brands reach out to other bloggers.  Some bloggers get reached out to by the SAME brands and others are completely different. In the last month and a half I’ve gotten reached out to by brands that I really don’t see others get reached out to.  Just goes to show you that everyone is different and everyone’s VALUE is different.  While there’s a lot I turned down because it wasn’t in line my life, I also did accept some awesome partnerships I never thought I would get! I really want to get comfortable with this concept and in a way that suits everyone involved.  AKA I don’t ever want to be an annoying commercial and I hope any of you would tell me if that’s the case! 
  • The Future of This Blog: before I gave birth, I came up with a plan to really ramp up this side of my business in every way. I have SO many ideas and so many creative things I want to share and really do feel renewed. I feel truly blessed to have an income source that I can work on from home doing something I love.  At this point I feel like my personal chef business will end up being the side hustle and the blog will be the main focus for a few different personal reasons that I will share at a later date. In the meantime, mom life is at the forefront and I will have to just accept that whatever I get done is icing on the gluten free cake. 

A note on the metrics below: All of this is income that was MADE in September.  I don’t actually see all payment for this money for about 2-3 months depending on the company paying me. 

Blog Income Report September 2019 | Metrics

Food/Recipe posts that were created in September: 2+

Amazon Affiliate Income: $111.41

 Mediavine Income: $1214.94

Recipe Development Projects Paid Out: $250

Virtual Assistant Work: $50

Hours spent working on the blog: 2-5 but barely

Blog Income Report September 2019 Total: $1626.35

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  1. Hi, Valerie!

    I really enjoyed reading your blog income report & am glad you didn’t avoid posting this one. While you may not be where you want to be, it’s fun and inspiring for those of us who haven’t done it or have wondered how it works!

    I like seeing recipes but your blog has a little something extra that I haven’t seen elsewhere – transparency with your income and even when pregnancy wasn’t “perfect” (because nothing ever is!).

    Congrats on your little human. James Michael!

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