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Blog Income Report September 2020

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Blog Income Report September 2020 : Find out how I made $2849.63 through my blog with various strategies.

Well, I’m back in the blogging game! It feels good for the most part even though I am still working things out in my head about my direction, strategy and time management. I also took on another job so that may actually help . . . ? My theory below.

Past Blog Reports

Blog Income Report September 2020

Here are some noteworthy things that happened in September:

  • I actually published posts this month: It has been really strange to actually be publishing posts again because I am in a brand new space with a completely different kitchen. One thing I am really having trouble with is finding the best lighting for my food photography. Currently, I do not have any bright airy spaces except my in progress studio and even in there the light is splotchy. It’s going to take some tinkering to figure out that. I also have no idea where I stand as a creator and blogger sometimes. People enjoy my simple recipes and tips from a chef but I am still unable to put it together into a cohesive brand. I think this is really holding me back and I need to think more on it.
  • Back On Instagram: I decided to take the plunge and get back on Instagram. I was completely overwhelmed with positivity and people letting me know how much they missed my content. When I left, I was in such a bad mental space that I didn’t think I really had anything to offer. As stated above, I guess I do! But I still need to iron it out. I’ve honestly been keeping scrolling to a minimum, especially in people’s feeds that I find triggering. It is also likely that I will need to work on improving my mental health, whether through daily yoga and meditation or taking CBD (with a pre roll cone). Thanks to Tiktok, I don’t have to use such methods currently as it helps me create great content and is much more valuable. I know these apps and the culture is DESIGNED to make us feel this way but it feels nearly impossible to have your cake and eat it too. Back when I was growing a lot it was because I was consistently sharing A LOT and I’m not really sure if I ever want to go back to sharing that much. Can you tell I obviously have some mental health work to do?!
  • Traffic and RPM’s: Traffic this month has been ramping up with the holiday season and so have RPM’s! My average RPM this month was a little over $26 and I’m excited to see how things go in the next couple months.
  • Site Speed Audit: I usually like to invest in one fairly expensive blog maintenance or improvement item per year. This year it was going to be a full redesign but after a design project fell through, I decided it just wasn’t in the cards. Instead I changed the look of my blog myself with a new theme that seems to be a lot more functional. With the money I *didn’t* spend, I have decided to get a site speed audit since that may be a problem area with my website. I know google loves a good fast website so hopefully I will be able to share some great results in my next report!
  • I’ve Got A New Job: I feel like I work best on this blog when there is another income stream alongside it. Since it can’t be my personal chef business right now, I chose to apply to be a part of a VA agency for food bloggers. I’m going to be working part-time with a client or two and I feel like it will help me with time management and a sense of urgency for my own blog. It will also help to make the extra money for some major house projects that keep popping up after buying an old house. It may seem crazy but having another job will help me work better on this blog. The less time I have for things, the more efficient I become. I start mid month, so lets see how it goes! Since this is a BLOG income report, I will not be reporting earnings for my new job.
  • Working Ahead in Q4: Right now it’s prime blogging season, the time all food bloggers wait for all year. I’ve actually been working on Q4 content since the beginning of the year because I had no idea what life was going to look like with a big change. The good news is that I’m back to work, but the bad news is I have no motivation to produce much holiday content IN the season. I think I’ve realized that it’s better to work ahead of the game as google and Pinterest really need some time for a post to build up momentum. This month I am going to take it easy while I adjust to the new VA job and create 1-2 recipe posts per week and start updating older posts. This way I’ll be able to find out how much time I truly have and what I want to accomplish in it. The recipe posts I create will most likely be for the “healthy eating” time of year so they can start gaining some traction now.

Blog Income Report September | Metrics

Food/Recipe posts that were created in September: 6

Affiliate Income: $57.46

Ad Network Income: $2130

Sponsored Work: $0

Hours spent working on the blog: 10-12 Hours Per Week

Blog Income Report September 2020 Total: $2849.63

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