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Blog Income Report May 2021

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Blog Income Report May 2021: Find out how I made $3954.88 through my blog with various strategies such as Ad income and affiliate marketing. 

may 2021 food blog income report

This month was a bit of a whirlwind for me. The consistency I craved and do well with just simply wasn’t there. Some of this was planned and expected, but a lot of it wasn’t. Either way, I have made a good amount of progress this month and made an income I’m proud of!

📜 3 Years of Blog Income Reports

💭What Happened In May 2021

Lots of days “OFF”: Last month started out with a bang. I was blasting out at least 3 new posts per week and really getting into a groove with blogging and managing client work. This month was a bit different. Not only did my motivation fizzle out a bit because I put myself on the edge of burnout for working so hard, but there were a lot of unexpected days I had to take “off” due to family visits, my son being out of school, etc. When you work a regular job, you can call out and continue on as usual, when you work for yourself, you have to figure out how to get everything done in a shorter amount of time. I definitely struggled with this.

Not only that, but my health has took some strange turns lately which has been impacting my energy and overall mood. I’m working with an FMD to get back to baseline, but I did have almost an entire week where I took some time to reflect, relax and get on a better track which hindered blog work this month.

The whole month, I kept saying “I cant wait to have a normal week.” but what I am realizing is that those will be few and far between. Working from home and for myself, I am starting to realize I need to release expectations about what a workweek “should” look like and just roll with the punches because they will always be coming as most of the brunt of time off will always be my responsibility and there’s not much I can do to change it.

Pinterest Traffic: My Pinterest traffic is staying stable for the most part. Engagement and followers continue to rise while click throughs stay the same. I believe that this is the product of having more Idea Pins that lead people nowhere and leave small creators without traffic. I’m always wondering if I should spend less time on Pinterest as so many others traffic has tanked, but I’m going to keep going with it unless it reaches critically low traffic levels and there is little ROI.

Tailwind update: I took a look back at all of the posts that tailwind was publishing that I scheduled, and to be honest, the statistics are still dismal compared to manual pinning. I’ve already paid for a whole year so I’m going to keep using it for new posts, but I’m still not sure giving tailwind another chance was worth it.

Ghostwriting Business: Right now I have gotten down to a core group of clients that I write for, and I think that’s where things will stay. My hope is that at some point my blog will make enough to not need to take on any new clients as they naturally drop off, but we’ll see! I honestly love the group of clients I have right now and am happy to continue working for them.

RPM Increase: During the month of May, I started to see the hard work pay off to increase RPM’s. Although every day is different, I can confidently say that I am averaging $30 RPM’s. I know that during July and August, it will go down, but I feel grateful to have created a good foundational buffer.

Focusing on Reformatting & Republishing Old Posts: THIS is the reason my RPM’s went up and I also believe it’s why I had 20k more pageviews this month. I was upset with myself that I only published 4 new posts this month until I realized that FOURTEEN older posts have been updated and republished. Not only have I been working hard at reformatting older posts which help with RPM’s, but republishing a lot of my old content that was hanging on by a thread has brought me up in rank on a lot of them and I hope they will continue to bring me more traffic. I will say that the reason I was able to make this happen was because my writing assistant did an EXCELLENT job doing keyword research and re-writing these posts. Having her help has been such a great investment that will keep things moving forward!

Blog Income Report May Metrics

Food/Recipe posts that were created in March: 4

Food/Recipe posts that were republished in May: 14

Affiliate Income: $48.76

Ad Network Income: $3771

Secondary Ad Network Income: $134.92

Sponsored Work: $0

Average hours spent working on the blog: 10 Hours Per Week

Total Pageviews for May 2021: 141,674

Blog Income Report May 2021 Total: $3954.88

🏖 Blog Plans For June 2021

While we don’t have any major trips planned for June besides a few days that first week, I want to make sure I’m not overloading myself so I can allow some buffer time for whatever may come up . . . because something always will.

My thought is that if I am able to practice that flexibility, then I won’t feel so resentful when my week changes.

As far as content is concerned. My plan is to publish 2-3 new posts per week as well as continue to update and republish 3 older posts per week and continue with reformatting older posts.

This month is also the month where I am going to begin to work on a few recipes for Q3-Q4 even though my thoughts on this have changed. In the past, I would scramble to make “holiday” recipes, but that’s what everyone does. This year I am focusing on letting the content metrics drive my next move. This means publishing some holiday content, but it also means doubling down on the type of posts that are doing well and will continue to do well year round.

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One Comment

  1. Love this and where we’re headed! Let’s let go of chasing trends and just do what we know is working NOW. Slow and steady wins the race.

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