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Blog Income Report October 2020

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Blog Income Report October 2020 : Find out how I made $4272.91  through my blog with various strategies. 

food blog income report

Wow! Upon first glance, you can see that I made nearly $2400 MORE this month than I did in October of last year. I’m happy to say that I have really enjoyed the blogging hustle this month and it’s great to see the potential and motivation to keep going! 

Past Blog Income Reports

Blog Income Report October 2020

Here are some noteworthy things that happened in October:

  • I’m Finally Taking Myself Seriously: This month I think a level of acceptance finally came through in a lot of ways. Since I started this blog I’ve always had something bigger and this was my side hustle. I always told myself that if I ever REALLY gave this a shot then I probably would be able to make a decent living. Well, the time is now. I don’t have all the time in the world with a toddler and limited childcare but I do have a lot of knowledge I’ve gained over the years and I feel like I’m finally starting to really do the work and it feels good, like a real job. During the 2 days a week I have childcare, I set my office hours and make a to-do list and STICK TO IT. This has been key in getting things done. I no longer barter with myself about only doing the fun things and putting things off. I make a commitment to get things done just like I would at a regular job.
  • I’m Enjoying Instagram Again: Instagram is back in my life but I am not obsessed with it like I once was. I came up with some healthy sharing boundaries and because of this, I am able to actually enjoy being on the platform more. Every once in a while I see something that stabs my confidence a bit but I move on pretty quickly. It was also helpful to realize that the audience on this blog and the audience on IG are completely different making what and how I create content better.
  • Food Blogger Superbowl: My traffic is definitely climbing since October started and I attribute this to not only the food blogger super bowl but also my focus on Pinterest which I will explain below. Last year my November was huge in bringing in income and I am hoping I’ve layed the groundwork to make it the same this year.
  • Site Speed Audit: I did get my site speed audit and according to the site speed tools, it has increased. I’m still unsure of how helpful it has been with traffic especially since it tends to go up this time of year anyway. Either way, I am glad I invested the money into it.
  • Pinterest Changes: I started noticing that my Pinterest traffic was bottoming out. Turns out that Pinterest was not showing my pins to many people. The reason? I fully believe it’s because I am using Tailwind. This is a controversial topic amongst bloggers right now but I feel that Pinterest rewards you for actually using the app and even though Tailwind is an approved partner and they have publicly said scheduling does not change how a pin is handled… I don’t believe it. So I started testing out manual pinning and it made a HUGE difference. I am still in the beginning of creating a manual pin strategy because it does take more time and I am also using tailwind on alongside of it, but it’s clear to me that manual pinning will ultimately bring in more traffic in the end.
  • Death Of The Third Party Cookie: I’ve heard talk of this going on quite a while ago but it didn’t sink in how serious this was until recently for me. Basically, because of privacy issues,  Chrome is going to do away with the third party cookie. This means that when you visit a website, your information wont be saved. The saved information is used to do many things and one of those including targeting ads to your specific online avatar. Without that information saved, the ads you see on pages may be completely different and not catered to you at all resulting in less engagement. This is a problem that is MUCH bigger than what it will do for small publishers however in a recent test, ad revenue went down 64% for them which has everyone stressed. This could potentially mean I will be making less than half of what I make now starting in 2022. Although there are still people working on solutions, this is scary for a lot of people. My path with this is to try and trust that it will be figured out to some extent by then so that the dip won’t be as dramatic. I also have decided to go full force and make as much money as possible in 2021 seeing as how it may be my last year where I can really earn big before the dust settles.
  • Sponsored Posts: The holidays bring about more opportunities for sponsored posts than ever. This year, instead of shying away from them I’ve decided to take some on and test out my confidence a bit. I still don’t really like being in the hands of someone elses timeline when I don’t have much time anyway but the payoffs can be pretty significant so I’m giving it a shot within reason.
  • Detailed Plans for 2021: As I said above, this is no longer a dress rehearsal, the time to put all my energy into this is now and I’m going for it and not coming up with any more excuses. I’ve written out a detailed plan for 2021 with all of my financial, traffic and post goals that I plan to stick to that will hopefully help me achieve big success (for me) in this relhm. For now, it’s time to ride out the joy’s of the last couple months of the year and hopefully bring in some big wins! 

Blog Income Report October | Metrics

Food/Recipe posts that were created in September: 7

Affiliate Income: $73.91

Ad Network Income: $3224

Sponsored Work: $975

Hours spent working on the blog: 15-25 Hours Per Week

Blog Income Report October 2020 Total: $4272.91

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