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Blog Income Report September 2021

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Blog Income Report September 2021: Find out how I made $6121.22 through my blog with various strategies such as Ad income and affiliate marketing.

september 2021 blog income report

September was yet another strange month for me when it came to my own blogging. Traffic started going DOWN despite the busy season on the way and I also only published 3 posts for the entire month which was definitely not my plan!

🔜 3 Years of Blog Income Reports

­ What Happened In Setptember 2021

Down With The Sickness

Ever since I put my son in daycare, our family has been riddled with sickness. I expected that to happen because of daycare but I didn’t realize how much I would have to put aside week after week. 2021 is a very unique year with immune systems as most people were cooped up last year. Now that everyone is out and about in the world, everyone seems to be a cesspool of germs.

3 weeks out of this month were mostly spent at home as there were fevers, sinus infections and a not-so-fun ER visit when my son had a 105F fever. This of course meant that I would have to take the brunt of all the schedule changes as I have the most flexibility in my schedule.

Any time I had to work was stressfully spent putting out fires and only working on client work. I was able to keep those things afloat, but my blog got nearly zero attention.

In fact, I’m so backed up with posts that I feel overwhelmed but also grateful that there are still things to work on. Overall, I think I finally accepted that this is going to be my life for a while and am grateful I don’t have a job to clock into otherwise I would surely be fired by now.


The one week this month we miraculously weren’t sick, we had our very first family vacation together. That too after a lot of planning and plotting as well as looking at a handful of vacation blogs such as those written by Terri Grothe, for example. While I didn’t expect it to be a vacation with a toddler, it was very eye-opening!

The planning process for a vacation can be extremely challenging, especially when you have a toddler. I generally find packing for a vacation to be one of the most complex tasks. On every holiday, I generally carry different clothes for various purposes. As an example, if we are planning on having a beach brunch, I would probably pack one of my favorite Brunch Outfits. As a result of all the effort and work, we finally embarked on our trip to a wonderful destination.

Spending a week away from my normal routine allowed me to realize how much MORE is out there than work. When you live and work in the same four walls in an industry that is always changing and at the mercy of an algorithm you can’t change, it sometimes becomes easy to obsess about. It takes spending a few days in Italy or Greece or another exotic place, living in one of those fancy mykonos luxury villas to really realize how much you need to destress and relax.

The truth is, these years are still formative in my blogging career. Even though I’ve been doing this for years, I feel like I have only scratched the surface of the future and riding all of these waves.

It was important for me to realize that I can only do so much to grow and that in the meantime I must LIVE my life and enjoy these precious years while my son is small as they are going by way too fast (and at times not fast enough).

I do have thoughts about the future and if I am going to be doing this forever or if blogs will even be around in the future. All I can focus on is doing the best I can right now and being confident that I will make the right pivots if needed because I have proven myself capable every time!

Traffic Update

Oddly enough, traffic went DOWN this month. It wasn’t really by much but it definitely wasn’t expected. My guess is a combination of people returning to school this year mixed with people going back to work after a year of crazy.

Of course, there were some algorithm updates that played in with this too. Google mostly seems to be changing the way things look on SERP results. This is has been good for some posts, but also not great for others. Again, riding the waves!

Ghostwriting Business

The writing business is still going steady though there have been lots of fluctuations on how much work people need. At this time I am holding steady with the clients I have as I can’t risk adding more to my plate at such a vulnerable time when there are so many things out of my control. This may change in the future, but right now this is a comfortable load for me.

New Blog

I was on a roll when we first started the second blog. I’m glad I somewhat worked ahead because I don’t think I’ve done a single task for it in September. I’m hoping to get back on track with everything soon!

âž• Blog Income Report September Metrics

Food/Recipe posts that were created in September: 2

Food/Recipe posts that were republished in September: 1

Affiliate Income: $39.74

Ad Network Income: $6013

Secondary Ad Network Income: $68.48

Sponsored Work: $0

Average hours spent working on the blog: 8-10 hours per week

Total Pageviews for September 2021: 145,472

Average RPM/RPS for September: $45.49/$41.33

Blog Income Report September 2021 Total: $6121.22

🎃 Blog Plans For October 2021

Val from the future is writing this over halfway through October and can tell you that our immunity is not much better! HFMD took out our family for almost 2 weeks and once again I have been in put out fire mode.

With whatever time I have left this month, I plan to SLOWLY get back on schedule without overwhelming myself which has never really been easy for me but were going to keep on trying!

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