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Blog Income Report August 2023

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Blog Income Report August 2023: Find out how I made $7259.91 through my blog with various strategies such as Ad income and affiliate marketing. 

📜 6 Years of Blog Income Reports







💭What Happened In August 2023

Lower Traffic/Higher RPM

I remember about 3-4 years ago I was dreading the summer because I knew that would mean I historically make less money with this website. The fact that it pulled off TWO months over $7k is mind blowing to me and I feel incredibly lucky.

The month of August was actually lower in traffic than in July. August is a strange month. People are wrapping up their summer and a lot of kids start school so time on the internet seems to be way less.

I know this because it happens with me too. This month we decided to not have travel or camping plans in order to do some much needed tasks around the house. There were days that I spent more time on the house than working on my own arm of the business while still keeping client work in tact.

During this time I kept thinking about my last income report and how I would start taking things more seriously. So far I’ve done one thing on that list and it has already helped bring one part of my business up to speed which inspires me to do more because there is still so much opportunity in this field of work. (more on that below)

I still ended up publishing 12 posts this month which is an average of 3 per week. While I’m happy with this, it was extremely disorganized and followed no schedule. Last year I was still in my post every day sprint to get to 750. Now I’m at just above 850 posts and craving another sprint to get my butt in gear.

Hiring A CPA

For the longest time I have been handling all of the bookkeeping and taxes myself. I never felt it was necessary to pay a CPA because I was just a small one member business. Plus I had my business set up in another state and things were a bit messy.

I finally sought out hiring a CPA and it’s already helped so much! Delegating this task to someone else has put my mind at ease with so many things and it allows me to see the bigger picture in my business. This company works with other creators who make a ton more money than I do so it’s also inspiring to see what’s possible.

This simple shift in paying for a CPA has opened up my mind and allowed me to take things more seriously. This includes getting on board with a solid schedule to grow my brand, my sites, and keep my client work going.

September Plans

While I have been inspired, I have yet to take action on other things. I have a friend helping me out with writing temporarily, but I am still looking for a solid contractor. It’s clear that in order for me to get to my goals I need some help with all of these tasks and someone to be accountable to.

This month also kicks of a long holiday season starting with my sons birthday, husbands, holidays, and ending with mine right after the new year. We also have some close family moving to town which is incredibly exciting and means that we will be doing a lot more celebrating and just enjoying life more in general.

So while I do want to remain on task and add new things into the business, I also want to be mindful to not let work completely take over so I can soak these things in.

My current goals are to:

  • Keep up with client work
  • Post new content as well as focus on updating content here
  • Monetize my other site
  • Possibly start a new local one (I know … I know …)
  • Post short form videos
  • Get my email provider switched and start sending emails
  • Set up a legit affiliate shop page
  • Be more intentional about affiliate links on posts
  • Dig into better Pinterest and Facebook strategy
  • Start looking at options for hiring a dedicated writer

Although that is a lot, I know it’s what I need to move forward to bigger heights!

Blog Income Report August Metrics

Food/Recipe posts that were created in August:

Affiliate Income: $82.91

Ad Network Income: $7076

Secondary Ad Network Income: $101.00

Sponsored Work: $0

Average hours spent working on the blog: 10 Hours Per Week

Total Pageviews for August 2023: 223,714

Average RPM/RPS for August: $31.63/$35.50

Blog Income Report August 2023 Total: $7259.91

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