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Blog Income Report June 2022

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Blog Income Report June 2022: Find out how I made $5669.99 through my blog with various strategies such as Ad income and affiliate marketing. 

blog income report june 2022

This month I’m seeing the hard work pay off with increased publishing and managed to get my total income over the $5k mark in June when things typically slow down!

📜 4 Years of Blog Income Reports

💭What Happened In June 2022

June Traffic & RPM’s

What’s “supposed” to happen in June as far as RPM’s and pageviews go, did not happen. My RPM’s went up ever so slightly and my traffic increased by roughly 28,000 pageviews!

I attribute this to a few things. One, it was the first full month with my core web vitals fixed. Two, the latest algorthim update seemed to be in my favor and in the favor of other food bloggers. Though, a LOT of bloggers got completely decimated by this update which again proves that anything could happen.

The third reason I believe I’ve seen an increase is simply my increase in publishing which I’ve been holding steady with for a few months now. More on that below.

Writing Services

Over the last month I’ve squeezed in ONE more writing client and I am officially at my upper limit of what I can take on. Originally I told myself that I didn’t want to take anyone else on because I wanted to mostly focus on my blog but at this time, the balance of both is working for me and it’s great to know I can adjust as needed.

750 Post Publishing Sprint

This was officially the 3rd month I’ve decided to amp up my publishing. I have a lofty goal of publishing 750 posts by the end of the year and as of right now I am on track. This challenge is allowing me to better manage my time and also helps the mental game of blogging.

When I posted 1-3 times per week, I would agonize over the littlest things about the post and constantly check its rankings and traffic. These days I have so many posts going out that I don’t really do that anymore and it is REFRESHING.

It also helps that I am seeing results from this. My traffic is clearly increasing and my mental state is much better so this is working for me right now.

In the month of June 36 posts were published. At the time of writing this, I have 588 posts either published or scheduled leaving 162 posts to be published by the end of this year to reach my goal.

So to reach my goal, I need to publish 30 posts per month. I would absolutely LOVE to make this happen and I will do everything I can do get there. However, I need to be realistic too. Life is going to happen and if I push myself too much, I may get burnt out like in the past.

The great thing is that whatever the publish post total looks like at the end of the year is a win!

Blog Income Report June Metrics

Food/Recipe posts that were created or republished in June: 36

Affiliate Income: $83.06

Ad Network Income: $5536

Secondary Ad Network Income: $50.93

Sponsored Work: $0

Average hours spent working on the blog: 30 Hours Per Week

Total Pageviews for June 2022: 167,861

Average RPM/RPS for June: $37.85/$32.98

Blog Income Report June 2022 Total: $5669.00

🎆 Blog Plans For July 2022

This month is EXTREMELY busy on the personal front but all in a good way! We will be spending lots of time with family and although I’d like to continue the pace I’m at, I have to be realistic and actually ENJOY the fact that I’ve worked ahead.

This also gives me an opportunity to be more efficient with my time instead of going down random rabbit holes in a middle of a post just because I’m bored. If I could figure out a way to condense my total work time to 4-5 hours a day on average, that would allow me to flex my life for busy months like July.

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